Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bright Ideas for a better life


[VIDEO] An example is better than a thousand words, so here I bring a good one to illustrate how to put in practice the theories of good architecture. It looks good and works even better.
Squeezed into an over-crowded Hong Kong where space is a luxury, this ultra hip 330 square foot apartment features a futuristic sliding wall system that creates up to 24 different room combinations.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Wireless Electricity: Witricity


111006_254x191Another hit in technology history I just came across on the same day. Witricity is a revolutionary discovery from a group of MIT Physicists who were able to transfer power over distance, basically they were able to light up a normal bulb over a 2 m. distance gap.

Witricity is the website of the company, which has already made a huge progress and has the biggest companies around the world building a partnership to agree a common standard for it.

Interactive Online Video - The future of videos online


I just discovered the new invention from a cool Spanish company creating a revolution in the new techonlogies sector. This company is Madpixel, and what they have just launched is the Interactive Online Video, basically a video you can pause at any moment and search interactively through its content. You can click on information about the people that appear in the video, or clothes, objects,... endless joy.

You can see the work they have done for the Principe de Asturias Foundation here in Spanish and also a Demo of a Sex & The City Episode here. And the company website:

Monday, June 14, 2010

Anish Kapoor Exhibition in Guggenheim Museum Bilbao


5038704857_da2c65d6f9Anish Kapoor, one of my most praised sculptors, is on show  at the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao. Now there is just one left to complete my top 3 exhibiting together in Bilbao. Richard Serra is part of the permanent collection, so Antony Gormley should start getting his hands dirty preparing something for the spanish eyes. Well, in the meantime we must be happy to have such a revelation as Kapoor, and some of his creations inside Puppy's Kennel.
Guggenheim Press Release:
" The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao presents a major solo exhibition devoted to the art of Anish Kapoor, one of the most influential sculptors working today. The exhibition, which opened to enormous acclaim at the Royal Academy of Arts, London, in fall 2009, is the first large-scale survey of Kapoor’s work to be seen in Spain.

Friday, June 4, 2010

RIBA EU Winners 2010 Announced


The prestigious RIBA Regional 2010 Awards have been announced, and lucky us, 2 of the 9 European buildings awarded are in Spain. The first one is "Campus Palmas Altas" in Seville,by 'Rogers Stirk Harbour & Partners', a commercial bussines park who has also achieved an AIA-UK award and has been pre-certified LEED Platinum. It was built for Abengoa, one of the leading companies in renewable energies and green technology. The second one is "The city of justice" in Barcelona, by 'David Chipperfield Architects', the new city law courts complex, composed by 9 buildings with around 240,000 sq.m.

More info about the rest of awarded projects here

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Architecture Congress: [ + x - ] More for Less

In a week, Pamplona will celebrate the Congress "Architecture: More for Less.", where starchitects, 4 Pritzker prizes, politicians and other leading personalities will discuss about a more efficient & sustainable society. The speakers include Jacques Herzog, Renzo Piano or David Chipperfield amongst others.