Sunday, October 3, 2010

Moving Architecture. Video Projections on Buildings.

Buildings are leaving behind their characteristics as permanent still volumes and changing into interactive elements. Human perception shifts to perceive them now more like a TV than a squared sleek facade. That gives them the special effect "in motion" that we didn´t have before, opening the possibilities to a broad spectrum of typologies.

 It seems large scale video projections are becoming lately very popular as an instrument of marketing and a way of attracting attention in cultural events and art hubs. Here is a video projection from URBANSCREEN, a german company dedicated to the production of this special unique pieces of architecture in motion.

You can see one of the videos about their great creations here:


Thursday, September 30, 2010

AutoCAD WS is available! iPhone and iPad included.

AutoCAD WS is fully available now on and they are also releasing compatible applications to be installed on iPhone and iPad  to synchronise all information across devices in what was called before Project Butterfly. With this application you can share blueprints, plans,

"Straddling" bus. New chinese invention to improve traffic congestion


A new type of bus has been presented to apparently solve the traffic problems found in Beijing, China. "The Straddling bus", "The 3D fast bus", or "The Stereo Bus", as they call it, consists of an elevated carriage which moves above cars driving underneath, and guided by two rails on its sides. The bus stops would be

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Real to Virtual. 3D Scanner. Easy and Free Technology


We have spent endless times trying to make real all our digital ambitions, designs, projects,... well this is basically the opposite! I have discovered a new way of modelling 3D objects much easier than spending hours playing trial and error with complicated applications. Here is David Laser Scanner. It´s a method of virtualising real life objects into 3D files, that we can later use in our projects, designs or just for helping our creative minds concentrate on better things than create a 3D pet. To make it work you just need a line-laser, a webcam, and a computer with the "David-LaserScanner" application installed.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

How much does your building weigh Mr. Foster?


"How much does your building weigh Mr. Foster?" Here comes the new documentary-film about the life and work of Norman Foster, narrated by Deyan Sudjic, Director of the London Design Museum. It shows through a cinematic approach to how buildings are observed, the quest Mr. Foster followed to become what he is right now, an architecture superstar and above all, a promoter of improving lifestyles through

Free 3-year license for over 25 Autodesk Products for Students


Autodesk has just announced their support of the Student Programme until 31st January 2011 and if that wasn´t enough, the extension of the current 1 year available licenses to 3 years. Great news for the architecture, design & construction sectors. Smart moves like these from powerful companies are the key facts that enhance us to continue progressing and deliver better results. Thank you Autodesk!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bright Ideas for a better life


[VIDEO] An example is better than a thousand words, so here I bring a good one to illustrate how to put in practice the theories of good architecture. It looks good and works even better.
Squeezed into an over-crowded Hong Kong where space is a luxury, this ultra hip 330 square foot apartment features a futuristic sliding wall system that creates up to 24 different room combinations.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Wireless Electricity: Witricity


111006_254x191Another hit in technology history I just came across on the same day. Witricity is a revolutionary discovery from a group of MIT Physicists who were able to transfer power over distance, basically they were able to light up a normal bulb over a 2 m. distance gap.

Witricity is the website of the company, which has already made a huge progress and has the biggest companies around the world building a partnership to agree a common standard for it.

Interactive Online Video - The future of videos online


I just discovered the new invention from a cool Spanish company creating a revolution in the new techonlogies sector. This company is Madpixel, and what they have just launched is the Interactive Online Video, basically a video you can pause at any moment and search interactively through its content. You can click on information about the people that appear in the video, or clothes, objects,... endless joy.

You can see the work they have done for the Principe de Asturias Foundation here in Spanish and also a Demo of a Sex & The City Episode here. And the company website:

Monday, June 14, 2010

Anish Kapoor Exhibition in Guggenheim Museum Bilbao


5038704857_da2c65d6f9Anish Kapoor, one of my most praised sculptors, is on show  at the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao. Now there is just one left to complete my top 3 exhibiting together in Bilbao. Richard Serra is part of the permanent collection, so Antony Gormley should start getting his hands dirty preparing something for the spanish eyes. Well, in the meantime we must be happy to have such a revelation as Kapoor, and some of his creations inside Puppy's Kennel.
Guggenheim Press Release:
" The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao presents a major solo exhibition devoted to the art of Anish Kapoor, one of the most influential sculptors working today. The exhibition, which opened to enormous acclaim at the Royal Academy of Arts, London, in fall 2009, is the first large-scale survey of Kapoor’s work to be seen in Spain.

Friday, June 4, 2010

RIBA EU Winners 2010 Announced


The prestigious RIBA Regional 2010 Awards have been announced, and lucky us, 2 of the 9 European buildings awarded are in Spain. The first one is "Campus Palmas Altas" in Seville,by 'Rogers Stirk Harbour & Partners', a commercial bussines park who has also achieved an AIA-UK award and has been pre-certified LEED Platinum. It was built for Abengoa, one of the leading companies in renewable energies and green technology. The second one is "The city of justice" in Barcelona, by 'David Chipperfield Architects', the new city law courts complex, composed by 9 buildings with around 240,000 sq.m.

More info about the rest of awarded projects here

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Architecture Congress: [ + x - ] More for Less

In a week, Pamplona will celebrate the Congress "Architecture: More for Less.", where starchitects, 4 Pritzker prizes, politicians and other leading personalities will discuss about a more efficient & sustainable society. The speakers include Jacques Herzog, Renzo Piano or David Chipperfield amongst others.

Friday, May 14, 2010

ACE. New York kick-ass hotel for art lovers


Anyone going to New York? Just check this hotel out before making any decisions... I haven´t been but it looks great and it has all what it needs to be a great place, perfect for having a great experience. It´s something like the backpackers vibe taken to the next level with an extra hint of chic feeling. Just how I like it.
ACE Hotel New York

Antony Gormley. Firmament IV


Antony Gormley (UK) is just a machine of innovation, creativity and talent. In my opinion one of the best artists alive nowadays. His expression of the human body and the social interaction in our society leaves none indifferent. Words don´t do justice to his work, which can´t just be explained. It has to be seen an experienced live. There is a new exhibition in Sydney, Australia, so if you happen to be around, just drop by and post back your comments, as I would have loved to see it with my own eyes. For the rest of us, the only option is to admire the pictures from the exhibition in Design Boom or take a look at the photos about his creations uploaded from any user on Flickr.

Frank Lloyd Wright Lego Architecture


LEGO, the world most famous plastic bricks, has a new product line. It consists on a replica of icons in today´s cities. They have divided their 'architecture' line in 3 subsectors: landmarks, architects series, and discovery. Landmarks include constructions like the John Hancock Tower in Chicago by SOM,or the Seattle Space Needle

Friday, May 7, 2010

eVolo Skyscraper Competition finalists announced!


5512571655_4d0ceb7579_zThe worldwide architecture competition which surprises every year with radical designs and unearthed thinking, 'eVolo Skyscraper' has just announced their 10 finalists. Everytime, it shows quite singular buildings pushing the boundaries of architecture and imagination, and sets a new benchmark for the limits of human creation. The top 10 finalists have in common that green design and measures are implemented in all their schemes, showing the relevance it has taken this field in latter years.

More via · Image by metrodsm

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

New York Invasion by 8 bits creatures!


[VIDEO] New York invasion by 8-bits creatures!
PIXELS is Patrick Jean' latest short film. It shows the invasion of the city of New York by digital creatures taken from games we played when we were children... (I know some people still do).
This video is the best piece of work I have ever seen in years! In terms of creativity, production, details, effects,...
It is just a-w-e-s-o-o-o-o-o-m-e !

Tokyo Glow


[VIDEO] Great video written and directed by Jonathan Bensimon with effects related originally to digital photocameras. It tells the story of an illuminated man from a crosswalk sign, wandering around the streets of Tokyo.

Shanghai Expo 2010 Pavilions

[VIDEO] Not only animals grow hair... Buildings too! Whoever dares to say "everything in architecture is already invented" has lost his soul and creativity...
Take a look and reconsider... we can always make things better, bigger (or smaller) and stronger. THIS IS ESSENTIAL TO CREATE FUTURE AND CONTINUE THE EVOLUTION.
Daniel Heatherwick UK Pavilion for the Expo 2010 in Shanghai, China.

The Spanish Pavilion is quite original too.... 'Wicker Technology' Designed by EMBT from Barcelona, Spain.

For more information:    BDonline  /  The Augmented Environment

Official Opening

'The Child'. New York in Typographics. Video created by Antoine Bardou-Jacquet for DJ Alex Gopher
[VIDEO] Serve this comment as the official beginning of  'City Slickr' , and first post of many to come...

And what better to inaugurate, than this great piece of design work I recently came across, hope you like it!


Hello W@rld!

Hello W@rld!