Thursday, September 30, 2010

"Straddling" bus. New chinese invention to improve traffic congestion


A new type of bus has been presented to apparently solve the traffic problems found in Beijing, China. "The Straddling bus", "The 3D fast bus", or "The Stereo Bus", as they call it, consists of an elevated carriage which moves above cars driving underneath, and guided by two rails on its sides. The bus stops would be

elevated platforms on the pavement sides at the same height of the carriage. Seems like a mix of the concept of normal buses, subway, and light-rail systems, and incorporates also green energy concepts, as it is powered by electricity and solar energy, achieving zero carbon emissions. It has been proposed by Shenzhen Hashi Future Parking Equipment Co. and it´s not just an innovative idea, as they are already building a prototype to use in Beijing Mentougou District. Reportedly costing only 50 million yuan to build every car in just 1 year and 500 million to make 40 km of the whole system, a 10% of the cost of creating a subway covering the same distance.

You can find more info and a video explainint it on China Hush and Beijing News

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